So quite a bit has happened since we last chatted! I had a very short moment where I thought I was going to meet Patrick Dempsey (McDreamy in case anyone has forgotten!!!!). I thought that maybe my anxiety about this move was going to be worth it. Let me give you the backgound.
On Sunday Nathan was really not well, started running a fever and looked like he was getting pretty bad flu. By 5pm his fever was 104 F which is 40C, so we decided it best to take him to the doctor. Not knowing the area, we google (because I am not technologically advanced) the nearest medical centre that is open on a Sunday evening and we find St Luke's. Sounds reasonable so off we go. After a 30 minute drive we arrive at probably the most organised, efficient ER I have ever seen. What a breath of fresh air. Not sure how many of you have had the misfortune of visiting one of our hospitals after hours, but sad to say, it seriously looks like the graveyard shift, in more ways than one, and you are lucky if you find a doctor who speaks English. Anyway, here we find a full staff from receptionist to cleaners, to security staff etc. Plus the ER staff are seperate from the hospital staff so you get a ER Nurse or ER Doc etc......just like Grey's! Wow. Ok, so the wait was really long, but I must say we were not really an emergency so didn't mind....but think it was probably because I really expected McDreamy to walk in at any minute!!!! So it was just flu....had a 4th year intern do the consult, and the ER doc confirm. No Mc Dreamy though, but really thorough and kind.
Our adventure continues as we spend our day off on Monday looking for a gym! After deciding that I think I might lose the use of essential parts of my body if I insist on trying to go out for runs in such cold weather, a gym was the next best option. A lady we met (Jennifer) suggests we go see the Community Centre!!!! You can imagine my reaction (internally of course, did not want to offend her) especially those of you who have had the priviledge of seeing the Springs Community Centre......
Well knock me down and blow me away with a feather!!!!
This is no ordinary community centre. Indoor heated pools with super tube, full basketball courts, rock climbing wall, weight training, gym equipement, indoor walking or running track, spinning studio, karate, zumba and aerobics. Needless to say, we joined!!! Boys are so keen to go, even Ben, who just wants to slide!!!!!
On the way home we make an amazing American discovery......Frozen Yoghurt! OMW!!! It is so delicious and healthy.....isn't it? Never mind that there are about 14 flavours to choose from and over 30 toppings......we had a field day!! Oh and its all self serve, so you need to be careful about how much you by weight!!!!
Our courses are going well. The kids are really enjoying theirs. Ben loves going to "school". We spend the morning doing relationship building, so meeting other people, chatting and praying for each other, then go to the prayer room, which is the 24/7 room where there is worship and prayer non-stop. Our class/session time is in the afternoon. A lot of what we have done so far is background, explanations of why and how so far. Spending time understanding who God really is and what he expects from us. It is really hard to explain what we are studying, but as we move along and I understand things better too, it will make it easier to explain.
Thursday night Nathan and Josh get invited to basketball practice! They were really off we go. It is the YMCA youth team, the other boys in their group play and their dad is the coach. They had a ball.
You won 't believe this.....they play their first game tomorrow (Saturday)! Neil and I were in stitches in the car on the way home from practice. They don't know what positions they are playing, or what the positions are called, and they actually don't even know the rules!!! They got given their team shirt at practice and off we go. It's going to be fun though. The American boys are quite enthralled by Nathan...the giant from Africa. One boy at practice said to Nathan "I'm so glad you're in our sooooo tall!" I'll let you know how that goes!
So far, so good my friends. We are embracing this adventure that we have been blessed with and will treasure this time forever....that said, we miss you all! It's at times like this that I realise how true that saying is about true friends. We are all so busy organising and living our lives that we often don't spend as much time together as we would like, or don't chat as much as we should, but as a true friend we understand that in each other, accept it and still love each other.
That said, I am extrememly grateful for modern technology. I don't feel that far away, it's like you are all so busy with life that you just ignoring me a bit!!!!
Love you all.
Hi Di, sounds lovely. Miss you guys.
ReplyDeleteTrying to figure the technology thing out, thank goodness for Patrick! Sounds like you are settling nicely and the boys are happy. Now they can put another sport on their list of sporting abilities. All is god over here. Been having lots of rain this weekend, we went to see the Life of Pi, brilliant movie, really enjoyed it. Love to all of you xxxxxx
ReplyDeleteHello to the Kinds, what an adventure! So glad to hear you're enjoying it. Hope Nathan is better. That was quite a fever. Good luck with baseball, we're looking forward to hear how the giant from Africa and his brother is doing. There are definitely advantages to living in a first world country in terms of services of all kind (no pun intended :D). High school started for us on Wednesday, a small adventure in itself. So far, Ellie loves it. They are off on a camp Monday to Wednesday in the Magaliesberg. Rain forecast for the week... I'm expecting very dirty washing. Keep well and good luck!