Sunday, January 27, 2013

So many people ask if it is cold in Kansas City. was -21*C during the day!!!  So I'm not sure if "cold" would be the word I would use to describe the weather here.  It is strange though, we go from -21*C on Tueday to 16*C on Saturday and predicted 22*C on Tuesday, and then into the minuses again!!!  Who knows?

Our basketball matched last week were really fun.  Nathan and Josh both really had a good time.  Nathan's team won their game and Nathan got the hang of it after being blown for a couple of fouls!!!  He did such a good job of picking up rebounds because of his height!  Oh and we laughed so at Josh.  Those of you who know what he is like when it comes to sport, will appreciate this.  So his team goes on to play and the other team has the ball.  The kid is dribbling down the one side of the court and here comes Josh out of nowhere and wants to tackle him.  I mean, come on can't let the kid run with the ball!!!!  And then Josh is chasing the kid with the ball all around the court because no one else is "tackling" him!!!!

So let me explain the concept of Baaasketball for my African friends.  When the other team has the ball, you all run to the Deeeefensive side of the court, mark a man and block them.  Let the kid with the ball run all the way until he is near his scoring net, then our free man tries to block his pass while the others all block their players. Does that make sense??? No tackling!!!!!  It looked like Josh thought he was on the soccer field!!!  His soccer team would have been proud of him, plus he got called for 3 body fouls!!!!!  Just keeping up his reputation for Old Boys!!!!

But they really have improved already for their second match which they played yesterday.  Josh now "gets" the game and played a brilliant defensive game.  He had a few shot at the basket, but his aim still needs a bit of work.  He also got fouled so had to have 2 free throws.  He scored 1.  So very chuffed.  Nathan played really well yesterday too and scored 3 baskets for his team.  They are meeting some really nice friends at basketball, a lot of them are actually involved with the Church and home schooled.  Met a few of their parents and they really are nice people, make us feel very welcome.

On our way home from the basketball game we found Dick's! A very unfortunate name for a store, but it is a sporting goods store.....just like Sportsmans Warehouse, just a bit fancier and more branded stuff. The boys had a shopping spree with the money they got from family for birthday and christmas. They each bought a basketball ball.......of course (even Ben), and then a Baseball Mitt and ball each. In desperation to play "catch" outside with their new stuff, they bundled up and braved the cold for about 10 minutes.

Ben has been a bit sick now, I think the change in climate has affected them all a bit.  he has an URT infection  (that's just fancy for Upper Respiratory Tract)! So he is on antibiotics for the next few day.

My birthday on Friday was really good.  I was worried that it would be "different" but I must say it was really good!  Got very spoilt by my amazing boys (that includes Neil) 4th generation iPad, which I am so excited about....I feel very fancy.  Everyone on our course made me feel so special too, and of course best of all was all my wishes from back home in sunny SA.  My heart was really filled when I saw how many people remembered me......ok, I know most of you have FB, fancy phones or birthday calendars to remind you, but for my own benefit I will pretend you all thought of me all on your own.  Those of you who did not send messages, I hope you feel really bad now!!! Feel free to send belated messges!!!

We went out to dinner last night to a Barbeque Place called "Jack Stack".  It was absolutely divine......if you can ignore the price list.  Meat is extremely expensive here, but what a good dinner.  Probably best ribs I have ever eaten, and by far the nicest Creme Brulee you can imagine!!!  Needless to say, the diet I was trying to be on, went out the I decided diets during your birthday week should be banned.   Me, myself and I voted in favour of that motion, so it was accepted and my diet is on hold until Monday!  Poor Monday, it holds so much responsibility for so many people who start things on ......Monday!!!!

That is a picture of the Global Prayer Room, for those who were curious as to what it looks like.  People come and go as they please, and sing along with the worship if they want, stand and praise, or sit and pray, read bibles, read books, draw, whatever.  It is very relaxed, just a time to get in touch with God in whatever way you choose. 

We had an amazing talk on Tuesday on Forgiveness!  The talk was given by Peter Loth......sho!  I cried so many times listening to this man's story!  He is the youngest living survivor of the Holocaust.  He was born in a Concerntration Camp where he and his mother were experimented on.  They were used as guinea pigs for the Germans.  Other pregnant woman, no mattter how far their pregnancies, were given forced abortions, while awake and conscious, by hand!  The moms were then given their dead, sometimes dismembered foetuses, and left to bleed to death.  If they did not die they were executed the next day!  What a way to start your life!!!!  He and his mom made it out the concerntration camp before being executed, but to keep him safe she left him with a Polish woman where he grew up.  But his whole life he was raped and tortured by various officials in orphanages and institutions because he did not have birth papers, so could not prove his origin!  He was often confiscated from this woman and locked up!  When he was 12 he was lined up with all kids that did not have papers, and one by one a gun was put in their mouths and they were shot.  When it was his turn, the Polish woman who looked after him and loved him, offered herself in his place!!!  The soldiers accepted that, took her home and all took turns raping her.  His story of torture and abuse carry on until he was almost an adult.  And here he is now, a Christian who has forgiven all that happeded to him.  He speaks of that time with tears in his eyes, but he is full of joy, he will not allow the devil to rob him of life and love.  He is going to live the life God gave him to the full!  That session really touched me and spoke to me.  Unforgiveness is a poison that eats away at us, and robs us of joy.  It does no harm to the person you are holding a grudge against, they are probably not even aware of it.  If he can forgive, certainly then so can I!!!!!!

If anyone wants to read his story, his book is called Peace by Piece: Peter Loth
Written by Sandra Kellogg Rath
ISBN 978-1-60647-121-0

On a lighter note, my mom and sister, Karen, are planning to visit in June/July.  I am really looking forward to it.  Will really be fun to have some family around for a while.

Miss you all my special friends.  We are well, having fun and happy!  Please email or message to keep us updated with home news.  You can't tell me there's nothing to report, come on, it's Springs after all!!!!

Lots of Love

1 comment:

  1. US sports are so different, well done Josh for taking the initiative!
    Wow that testimony of Peter Loth must have been powerful - how encouraging when we pray for those who battle with forgiveness.
    keep blogging Di, and keep warm.
