Thursday, September 26, 2013

Fall in the USA

So it feels like such a long time since I have checked in.....maybe to you it feels like yesterday and I am boring you with my news......tough.....I'M BACK!!!!!

Before school got started we got to go on our first road Chicago!  Up early (3am) and on our way.

 We stopped halfway, at Macdonalds, to have breakfast....... out of our boot (trunk).  It felt quite common eating our prepared food out the back of the car in the parking lot, but nobody seemed to think there was even anything wrong with it!!!  It was actually quite liberating!  We even got to use the restrooms inside.....ok, ok, I did order a cup of coffee!!!

Chicago is beautiful.  The buildings are amazing and the history is so interesting.  Although we were there for such a short time (2 days) we tried to fit everything in.  Walked down Michigan Ave (the magnificent mile).....much like 5th Ave in New York, couldn't afford to shop, but was really an experience to rub shoulders with the very rich!  Spent time at the Museum of Science and Industry, Boat ride around Chicago, sat on the "beach" of lake Michigan, spent time at Navy Pier and ate Pizza at the most famous Pizza place in Chicago!!!

We left Chicago and headed for see our friends from Kei Mouth who moved there about 10 years ago. Rob and Wendy Lloyd.  Cindy, Wendy's sister was there too, visiting from Dubai.   It was so much like driving through Bloemfontein, I felt so at home!!!  Mealie (corn) fields everywhere you look.  We had such a stunning time.  Rob drove us around the city and we got to see all the sights and then just relax at home with friends.  The boys played themselves to a stand still.  It really was a special time and made me extremely homesick to have a "braai" South African style and be around people who sounded just like me!!  

We visited Cincinnati next, just for a day and a half, to go the the Creation Museum.  What an amazing place.  The entire museum is based on the Creation Story and refutes how "The Big Bang" is just so impossible.....scientifically even!  Just how each and every organism was made in such a unique way, that it's functioning had to be preplanned and organised, otherwise it would  not survive!  It opened our eyes to so many truths, and the boys really learned a lot.  They were not in a hurry to leave!  

We bought loads of books and things at the shop......Ben found this Knight outfit, and decided he "needed" it.  We couldn't resist!!!

Nathan and Josh both are enjoying their baseball so much and want to play more seriously.  We found a Premier Club here in KC that is really serious and seems pretty good.  The Major League team from KC uses their facilities to practice through the they are GOOD!!!  We went to trials and were so blown away by how professional and organised they were.  No names, kids get numbers, and then get put through the testing in every area.....timed running between bases, speed meter for pitching, scoring on fielding and everything......mind blowing!!!  Anyway, we were very proud of both the boys for trying out.  It really wasn't easy on them surrounded by kids who have been playing this sport since they could walk almost....quite intimidating, but they did really well!  Josh unfortunately did not make a side this time, so he is going to focus more on his soccer for a while.  Nathan made the u14 boys AAA team.  He was so excited, but we were told that it is going to take lots of hard work from him to get up to the standard of the other boys, but they could see his potential and were willing to work with him!!!!!!  One practice down and they had their first tournament....Oh my word, this is very serious....i felt a bit lost on the side of the field because everyone was so quiet!!!  I couldn't do my usual shouting and chirping.....mostly because I didn't really know what was going on, but also because everyone was soooooo serious!!! (I can't find my photos from the tournament, but will post when I was so cool to arrive at the first game and get handed kit with your name on the back!!!!)

School is in full swing now and the boys have all settled in well.  Nathan and Josh are coping very well academically, we finding the English a bit tough though.  It seems the level of language and grammar is much higher here.  They are doing concepts that I don't even remember doing at school......ok, English was not fantastic, but this is stuff I have never heard of!!!  So we trying to catch up there a bit but the rest is pretty much on par.  The teaching styles are very, very different and quizzes and test are quite unique I might add!!  It is very much a college/varsity approach.  Textbooks and exam pads.  The teacher practically talks through the lesson and you make your own notes.  No handouts etc....if you don't listen in class and make notes, you are pretty lost.  You have to read the chapter in advance often and have summarised notes prepared for the class yourself to work off of.  We are adjusting to that and having to learn some new note taking skills, but it is life skills that we will one day be very grateful for.  We also do what they call "Take Home Tests"......because we only school three days a week, the kids will sometimes get a test to bring home to write.  So it comes in a sealed envelope, the kids can go over work as much as they want before they take the test, then everything must be packed away, parents open the envelope with them and then just monitor the kids while they write.  When done, gets put back into an envelope and sealed, returned to school the next day!!!!  Interesting!!!!  Trust and honesty is a big part of the schooling here.  The kids also get to mark a lot of their own work and then get a chance to do corrections before they hand the assignment in for grading. It's quite fun and we are enjoying the concept of staying home on Tuesdays and Thursday.....not to relax though...they get given plenty of work to keep them busy on "home school days"!  And on a Thursday Nathan goes to an assembly from 8-10am.......funny our third week of school we "Forgot" to take him to school!!!!  How crazy is that!!!!  We just woke up on the Thursday, had an easy morning, were in our pyjamas watching Veggie Tales with Ben and actually commenting on how nice it was to sleep in on a Thursday and just take it easy!!!!!!  Next thing Neil gets an email on his phone..."Hi Nathan, we missed you at assembly this morning!  Remember if you are sick to please call the school and let us know. otherwise there is assembly on a Thursday morning from 8-10am."  We were hysterical!!!  Of all the excuses you have ever heard in the world of "Why you did not attend school today?"..........I forgot!!!  just doesn't seem to cut it!!!  Anyway, we were honest with the school and told them, they had a good laugh and said we were not the only new people who had done it and they gave us grace!

Nathan and Josh both play soccer for the school.  Nathan is in the Varsity team, which is the senior team, he is goalkeeper, and Josh plays in the Junior Varsity Team, which is actually for Gr 7-10, so he is quite chuffed.  They are doing really well there.  To get a bit of a run around they let Nathan play on the field in the Junior Varsity team, and in his first game he scored!!!! Whoooo, hoooo.  Joshua was made one of the Captains of the JV team last week, they have 3.  He is really playing good soccer and has scored some really awesome goals.

Unfortunately we have had a few injuries!!!  Nathan dislocated his thumb a few weeks back and has been struggling to play with it, but after some treatment etc, he is ok......until this week.  He had someone land on him in the box with their knee into his chest......he was taken to the ER as he was really struggling to breath and in quite a lot of pain.....just our luck, it is the one game I decide not to go to!!!!  Anyway, he was Xrayed, and all is fine, he is just badly bruised and out of soccer for a week or two. Which means no baseball either...not good!!!  But he is recovering well.  Josh is really battling with his ankles, he is in so much pain after every game and practice.  X-rays show there is nothing we would appreciate any prayer for both the boys with their bodies and sport!!!

You know Ben, always wanting to be like his big brothers......and not to be outdone, he also started baseball this week.  It is so cute watching these little ones chase the ball all over and run between the bases.  He has had one practice and one game, but he thinks he is ready for the Major Leagues now!!!!

Neil and I are doing well.  Meeting some really good people through school and the sport so feeling a little more like we are settling in to a community of people.  I work at the school on a Monday for 4 hours each week, Grading English and Algebra 2.  It is part of the parents partnering with the school. Every family invests 4 hours of time into the school various ways.  This helps keep the costs down.  Some work the reception desk, to maintenance and cleaning, grading, teacher assistants etc.  I realise not that maybe I was a bit of a sucker volunteering for the grading thing........thought I was getting away from that, and here I am right back in the middle of it!!!  Must be in the blood!!!!

Keep us in your prayers as we listen for God's voice and as He guides us in this new season of our lives.  We miss you all so much and look forward to coming home in December and seeing lots and lots of familiar, friendly, South African faces!  

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

I was so looking forward to our ,moms coming to visit, and now in the blink of an eye, it has come and gone already, and they are both home in SA safe and sound, back to the normal routine of life.  Why does time go so quickly???

We were really busy with them here, and had lots of fun.

Took the grannies and Paul to our first Major league baseball game to watch the Kansas City Royals play. Not quite the exciting game that cricket can be, but it was an experience!!!  You are not allowed to take anything into the Stadium with you except water! Quite an atmosphere when you arrive, people have their portable grills in the parking lots and cook hotdogs and hamburgers etc before they go in.  Kids play ball in the street and music playing etc....very festive!  So we live and we greenies, take nothing with and go into the stadium to buy supper and enjoy the game!!!  Not sure if the indigestion I experienced was from bad hot dogs or the price we had to pay!!!!  R100 for basic hotdog and fries, R60 for bottle of water, R60 for small candy floss!!!!So now we understand why you cook out of the trunk of your car before you go into the Stadium.....Lesson #67 of living in the States recorded and memorised!!!!

Spent a day with the family at Worlds of Fun and Oceans of Fun......had a really great time conning Paul into riding all the roller coasters.............he had a ball and was extrememly brave!!!  Could have strangled Nathan and Josh a few times for telling him that it was a nice and gentle ride....(Hmmm right boys!!!)

We also managed to convince the grannies to enter the annuls of genuine Walmart shoppers by riding around the store on the ride on carts!!!  Couldn't convince my mom to use the hooter though....she thought that was pushing it a bit far!!!  One day I will build up the courage to ride on looks like such fun!!!
Things are quiet now without them here, and Neil and I are sort of in limbo at the moment.  We did a road trip to Chicago a few weeks back...what a beautiful city?
Early morning start to our road trip....boys supposed to be sleeping Josh!!!!

Dad keeping awake for the long drive.

Breakfast out the trunk of the car....halfway there!!

  It is on the shore of Lake Michigan, one of the great lakes.
So weird, felt like we were on the beach, the lake is so huge you cannot see the other side of it!!!

We went to The Museum Science and Industry, Navy Pier, walked along Michigan Avenue, went on a boat ride through Chicago and swam in the lake. We then went and visited some friends from SA who are now living in was so much fun to see them and spend time with South Africans again!!!! On our way home we stopped in Cincinnati for 2 days and visited the Creation Museum.  It was it if you get a chance....even better, come and visit it.  It is dedicated to the Creation and disproves evolution.  It walks you through and proves how creation by a higher power than we can ever understand, is the only explanation for what we call earth and life.  The boys really enjoyed it and so many of their questions were answered and settled things in their minds.  Even Ben got an understanding of some things, and spent a fortune in the book shop!!!

Our summer seems to have been so short, just a couple of really hot weeks and now the weather is easing off again.  Quite cool and comfortable...28 degrees today!  It sounds like all over the globe the weather patterns are changing....I hear the winter back home so far has been mild and bearable.....I'm not looking forward to the start of winter here, when I remember back to how cold it was when we arrived.

Joshua's soccer is going really well, he is training hard and their matches start next week.  His team won their division at state champs last season, so there is a bit of pressure on them this season, but there are some really good players and the coaching is brilliant, so I am sure they will do really well.  Hold thumbs for him.

Nathan and Joshua started school today.  The Daniel Academy.  It is a private Christian school that follows the same ethos and principles as Ihop.  They go to school on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, then home school on Tuesday and Thursday.  They were quite excited to start....I'm just not cut out for the home school thing!!!!  This way they experience more of the American Adventure and get to meet people.  School starts at 8 and ends at 3:30.  They have also joined the school soccer team....that is the only sport they have at the moment as it is a very small school and don't have enough boys for more than one sport at a time.  Nathan is playing goal keeper for the Varsity side, which is the senior team and Joshua is in the Junior Varsity team.

They both recently went to tryouts at a very fancy Baseball Academy,  I'm not sure if either of them will make the teams, these kids are good and have been playing for a few years already.  But the boys are so enjoying baseball that they wanted to give it a go......if they don't make it, we will carry on in a friendly league and let their skills develop a bit more that way.  Like I said to them, it is like an American kid coming to SA and trying out for u14 premier league cricket.....the local kids have far more experience and knowledge of the game.....So anyway, they tried out....we will see what happens there!!

Oooooh, before I go.....I am so very thoughtful husband found a store in US that sells only SA products and they deliver around the country.  We ordered Biltong, Marie Biscuits, Tennis Biscuits, Marmite, Ouma rusks, and Mrs Balls Chutney.  I can't wait for it to extravagance that I think will be worth it just to make me feel a little at home!!!!

Miss you all so much my friends and look forward to all the dinner and party invites coming my way when I get home.....I'm back in Springs on 17 December and can't wait to see everyone!!! Lots of love

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Wow, time really is moving on so quickly.  Neil and I "graduated" yesterday from our course "Intro to Ihop" which means we have been here for six months already.  And yet even though it has been six months I am still often amazed at the way the Americans are so service orientated.

Neil and I recently went to a Honda Dealership, looking at trading in our "Big Ass" car for a van that was a bit more family other words....even bigger.  While there I felt like a cup of coffee, so the salesman directed me to the customer can imagine what was going through my mind.  A little room with one or two chairs and a pay coffee machine......WRONG!! This is what I walked into.....

Big screen TV's, snacks. popcorn, fruit, sweets, juice etc.....and two waitresses ready to serve.  As I walked in, one of them met me near the door, escorted me to the coffee machine and offered to make it for me, and to help me with anything else I might need....otherwise to make myself comfortable and help myself to whatever I want!  I was gobsmacked...and I must admit, a bit embarrassed to take a biscuit with my coffee.  As South Africans I think we are too proud to take something for nothing, we see it as a sign of weakness or failure, yet here in USA, everybody is happy to help themselves to the freebies, but I must say they do not abuse it or go overboard, and all done very politely!

That's our new van by the way!  8 seater Honda Odyssey.

So  our course if over....not sure what I am going to do with all my time yet....but I'm sure I will think of something......Here is Neil and some friends in our team doing our last assignment....a presentation of Hell!  Quite a scary and daunting topic to research, but a very real and true one that was quite an eye opener.

We got to talk to a few people who have testimonies of experiencing Hell, in either a dream given to them by God, an actual experience there in an open vision from God, or one man who died in hospital for a short while, and in that time visited Hell.  The reports are terrible, and very scary.  And all support each other, even though from so many different sources.  Hell is a very real place, and a horrific place.  The bible shows that the main reason people go to hell is for unforgiveness and these people we spoke to all confirmed that.  They felt God reveal to them that unforgiveness leads to eternity in Hell.  Even when we pray the Lord's prayer we say that very verse yet we struggle to live it out...."Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us."  God is just and righteous, how can he forgive our sins and grant us access to heaven, when we have not forgiven others theirs.

 Benjamin went to his first birthday party at a Chucky Cheese....I thought that only existed in the movies, but it is real and genuine....and makes our play places look like a boring day at home!

Rides, video games, live show, jungle gyms etc.  He really had lots of fun.  Ben is still so social and loves doing anything that involves other people.

 Summer holidays are in full swing here now.  It seems crazy that they can be on holiday for three months...what would we do with our kids and the parents that work????  Well, I have now found out how they manage....camps!!  There are summer camps for everthing here, some last 6 days, 6 weeks etc.  We started off with a golf clinic in Lee's Summit, which is a neighbouring town. They really had fun and realised how much they miss their golf.  Hopefully when granny comes in July she will be able to bring their clubs with her!  We holding thumbs.

Nathan and Joshua then went on a Signs and Wonders Camp, which is hosted by IHOP, and is a ministry and worship camp for kids 6-12.  Nathan was on the support staff as a Teen Helper and Josh was a camper on the worship track.  Which means he spent a lot of his day time learning worship with the keyboard.  That was for a week.  Then this week Nathan is attending the Awaken Teen Camp, same kind of thing, but for 13-18 year olds and Josh has gone to Mississippi as a Teen Helper for their Signs and Wonders Camp. Wow, the house has been really quiet, they were away for 5 days, home for 3, now away for 10 days!!!  Strange not having them here, but they are having a really good time.

My mom finally arrived last Friday with my sister, Karen.....and true to American style, all we did was eat!!! Went out for nearly every meal we had....and boy was it good. It is so good to have my mom here, and Neil's mom arrives in 6 days time.

Baseball is going really well.  Joshua has done quite a lot of pitching and in our first game he got all 3 strike outs in all 4 hits off him and they never scored a single run....for you cricketers that basically equates to 12 wickets for 0 runs! In our next game, Nathan hit a home run 235m over the fence!  And granny was there to see it...very exciting.  The coach said it is the first home run he has ever seen in this age group!!!  Sorry I am bragging now.....but that's my son!!!  Nathan has also starting pitching now, and in our last game he did similar damage to what Josh did.  I'm learning the rules slowly but surely and starting to enjoy the game, even though it can be really slow at times.

4th of July is quickly approaching.....probably the biggest American holiday that there is....I'm looking forward to the fireworks displays.  Am looking for somewhere to take the family to enjoy the festivities...will keep you posted on that one.  

Still love and miss all of you in South Africa......but not missing the cold weather...Just to rub it in, it was 32 degrees yesterday and predicted for tomorrow is 36 degrees with a low of 26!!!  Enjoy the cold my friends, snuggle up and keep warm.